and her passing in grocery stores and any place else having doors and people inside. During a make-up session, Sally noticed that Myrtle looked like a horse. Sally puzzled over this for twenty minutes before she realized that Myrtle's eyelashes were on upside down. A quick re- versal of the lashes made a 100 percent improvement. Later on Diana added a touch of the make-up artist's skill that knocked about ten years from Myrtle's appearance, and a change of wig styles reduced it by another ten. Fortunately Myrt left to go back to Tulsa that evening . had she stayed much longer we would have had her in diapers.
Jeannie, soon to apply to FPE, after a bit too much champagne, volunteered to drive Sally and Myrtle over the ferry to Galveston to get a Sunday morning newspaper. It was a great plan. Until we discovered the Highway Patrol parked behind us as we waited for the ferry-boat. It was scary, girls. So scary, in fact that no sooner did we get off the ferry- boat, than we turned around and went back to the resort without our newspaper . . AND in coming back aboard the ferry, Jeannie, in her nervousness, scraped her car on the ferry island. Fortunately she is now safely registered in college, away from harm. (Except that I understand that is not such a safe place any longer).
Jennifer came down from Dallas late, though not too late, for we took some pretty good movie footage, as well as some polaroids. The best, however, was saved for last. Jennifer had let her hair grow out pretty long, in the fashion of the hippies, and it was long enough to do... you know what. Well . . . we have a discreet hairdresser, and Jennifer looked beautiful. Then she, Diana and Sally had dinner and Jennifer set out, as Jennifer, for Dallas, 250 miles (and at least one gas stop) to the north.
It was a lot of hard work to set up the resort. In retrospect however, I wonder why it has not been done before . . . The advantages are numer- ous. All the opportunity you wish to swim, to fish, to sun yourself, to walk on the beach, as a girl. To be a girl 24 hours a day. To do so outside, in the sunlight, with wind blowing your skirts about your knees, and your hair around your face. To spend hours if you wish, practicing putting on eye-lashes. experimenting with make-up tricks from women's maga- zines putting on fingernail and toenail polish, unhurriedly working with your wig . . . doing the simple chores which keep things going, such as cooking and ironing your things. And, I guess the most important, talking to others. Others who understand. Who understand everything. To give, and to also receive, advice, hints, suggestions on make- up or deportment, going out and passing . . . all to someone who under- stands. This makes it worthwhile... very worthwhile.